
There’s always something exciting happening at the Museum of International Folk Art! Join us for our many programs listed below.

VIRTUAL TOURS: Alexander GirardÂ's Nativities
Lectures and Talks Holiday Featured Event Travel and Tours

VIRTUAL TOURS: Alexander GirardÂ's Nativities

December 18, 2023
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

On this holiday virtual tour, you will be treated to folk art Nativity sets from from many countries of the world, including Italy, Peru, Poland, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Greece and France collected by Alexander and Susan Girard. During this festive season, celebrate Girard’s love for Nativities that enthralled him as a child and that he grew to collect. MOIFA has over 200 sets from his folk art Nativity collection. The tour includes historical background, fun facts about Girard’s original Nativity installations, and a few surprises. The virtual tour is free, but please register for your preferred date at the links below and we will send you a Zoom link for the tour.

Register for Dec 18, 2023 09:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) here: 

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